Sunday, December 1, 2019

Under the Sea free essay sample

Under the Sea University of Overpowering the lands is water. About 70 percent of the Earths surface is submerged in water. The Acorns are so massive, scientist have only had the opportunity to explore a significantly small portion of it. However, the small portion recorded has discovered over 2 million species of marine animals. That is not including the fractions of the animals that live in the unexplored oceans floors and surfaces (Science Daily, 2011). Besides the fact that there are many more wonders of the acorns to be discovered, the impacts that humans have had on the explored cesareans have been significant. Although humans are only 2 billion years old, two and half billion years younger than the world we have to manage to disrupt the essential balance we need to survive. In this essay I will discuss the characteristics of the ocean. I will explain how life depends on acorns. Some of the most recognizable species will be discussed. We will write a custom essay sample on Under the Sea or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Cover topics of problematic aspects which influence the ocean. I will also discuss how technology has had an impact on the ocean. Lastly, I will include scientific measures that are being initiated to help preserve marine life ND actions we can take as individuals to help protect our beautiful and unique acorns. The Creation of Life Everyone would agree that the world was created over 4. 5 billion years ago. It is believed to nave sat rated to a dust particle. Humans were created only 2 billion years ago (HOME, 2009). The miracle of life began from a ball of fire. It was a cloud of dust particles. The atmosphere was thick with water vapor and full of carbon dioxide a dense furnace. After the earth cooled the water vapor condensed, it fell on in significant downpours. Because Earth is at the perfect angle from the sun, the Earth was enabled to conserve the water. Water kept by the earth cut channels and created rivers and acorns. These channels are equivalent to earth as veins are to a body. Life first sparked into place earths hot springs. Life form still exists within these. They are known as archer bacteria. All these bacteria feed off of the earths heat. The cyan bacteria (better known as green algae) have the ability to turn to the sun and capture energy directly from it. These bacteria are the ancestors to all plant species. They are hat caused the destiny of our planet to change. They are responsible for the transformation for our atmosphere. Carbon once poisoned their atmosphere and it is still around today. Deep beneath the Earths crust there is a sea inhabited by micro organisms that grew their shells by tapping into the carbon from the atmosphere and dissolved in the ocean. Now, mountains many of the worlds mountains are the remains of the accumulated shells of billions and billions of these micro organisms. Because of these organisms the carbon was drained from the atmosphere and other life forms were able to develop. Life altered the atmosphere. The suns energy was used to feed plants causing it to brake apart the water molecules and take the oxygen. And Just like that oxygen filled the air. (HOME, 2009). The earths water process is constantly being renewed. The waterfalls cause water vapor which cause clouds are then drained causing rain. The rain refills springs, rivers, seas, and acorns. When the temperature is Just right they cause glaciers. And the cycle goes on and on. The same amount of water always exists on Earth. Every successful species has drunk the same water. (HOME, 2009). The documentary HOME describes the engine of life as being linkage. Everything is linked and nothing is self sufficient. Water and air are inseparable united in life (2009). The algae that tint the oceans surfaces is responsible for creating 70% of the gas that is vital to our lungs. When algae and shells combine they create coral reefs. Although the coral makes up for less than one percent of the oceans floors, it is home to over one thousand species of fish, mollusks, and algae, the equilibrium of every ocean depends on it (HOME, 2009). Characteristics of the Ocean Some ocean floors can be as deep as thousands of feet. The deepest part of the ocean, known to man is called the Challenger Deep. It is found beneath the western and Pacific Ocean in the southern end of the Marina Trench and is 36, 200 feet deep. (NOAA, n. D. ). However, most of the ocean life is found within the first 200 meters of the oceans surface. Anything below that level does not reach sun light which is essential to feed through photosynthesis. Anything below this depth makes is almost impossible to survive because the lack of sun. Although most of the oceans lord are unexplored it is believe that are alike all around. However, the portion of the oceans surface, that the sun does reach, change dramatically from location to location. This is a result of the different characteristics that the sun causes. Temperatures, movement of the water, and the amount of salt are contributing factors that determine which animal can live in that habitat. Based on the habitats ocean characteristics vary. Superb solvent is one the most important characteristics of the acorns. As fresh water is deposited from rivers into the ocean, it rips of minerals off rocks making the ocean water salty. The temperatures of the oceans water vary based on the location of the water. The waters located near the equator are always warmer because they are closer to the sun. The waters located on the poles are cooler because they are furthest from the sun. The movements of the water are impacted by the actions of Mother Nature and humans. Windy days can cause the oceans water to act up and move any direction it would like. However, massive ships rocky shores, swimmers, and boats can interfere with the movement of the ocean, but very minimal. But the three most significant forces that create the different water movements are waves, currents and ocean tides. More beautiful characteristics of the ocean are the waves. Every clash of the waves becomes energy. When waves break across the shore they can be a source for the great mixing oceans water (geography for kids, n. D). The oceans currents are influenced by the temperature, salinity, and wind. These currents are responsible for the movement caused in the acorns. An even more important factor to the oceans movement are the tides which are caused by the gravity of the moon and sun. These tides cause the water levels to rise and fall. Most typically, the water levels are high for six hours and low for another six hours. How are humans influencing the ocean? As technology advances animals and habitats become more and more endangered. The growth of the population is a stresses the oceans CEO system. This is because many more are creating urban areas and destroying coastal areas. It seems that the bigger the city grows the more tourist it attracts. When visitors come and visit these lands they leave behind waste that endangers animals of any kind. When this waste tests the ocean birds and fish, both, mistake the garbage causing them in ingest plastics and other trashes that they are not able to digest. When their stomachs get full of these foreign objects they are held back from eating foods that are going to keep them alive. The importation of items in big vessels is also a contributing factor to ocean CEO systems. This is because the ways the large vessels operate requires them to intake large quantities of waters and are released at later times. Not being able to help the situation, when the boats take in the water they pick up animals that are native to the areas in which the boat took in the water, but when they are released they are most likely released into new habitats, where they are now aliens. These species can then be of harm to the species which are natives to the habitats in which they landed. Littering is one of the worst negative human impacts marine life has encountered. When humans litter it most likely ends up on the ocean. As a result of metropolitan cities and incorrect disposal of waste, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, there is now a toxic island, the size of Texas, that is composed of nothing but garbage and it is offered to as Island of Garbage. A huge misconception is that the worse type of spills is those of oil, however it is really the plastic trash that will float around for years. The affects of pollution and littering do not only hit animals, it also affects humans. A study in Japan shows that those many ladies who could not keep a full- term pregnancy and kept miscarrying were found to have high levels of a chemical used to produce a non-recyclable plastic. In a year Americans throw away over 100 billion polyethylene plastic bags (Youth, 2012). Now , the acorns hold 1 million ones, minimum of garbage (Youth, 2012). Americans, on a minimum, use a plastic bag for less than an hour till they go home and unload their groceries. After they dispose of this bag it is, soon, floating somewhere in the oceans surface where it will last 20 years. There is no innocent party in this dilemma. Not yawningly, but helplessly we have contributed to plastic in the ocean because it is our society, it is our way of life. Every product we buy is wrapped in something. Some measurements we can take are reducing the amounts of unnecessary items we use. Buy recyclable bags to go rocker shopping.

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