Monday, February 3, 2020

Post-Stonewall LGBTQ Civil Rights and Lesbian Feminism (responses) Assignment

Post-Stonewall LGBTQ Civil Rights and Lesbian Feminism (responses) - Assignment Example gard, the topic is properly covered by the writer; however, the major issue that arising in relation to his/her presentation is that he/she did not focus on other extra information, but rather focused strictly on answering the three major questions that guided the task. The writer begins properly by providing a discussion the directly answers question one. He/she goes further provides supportive information regarding the facets of the first question. However, discussions regarding the second and the third questions are presented in a vague and a generalized manner, with the writer using only one in-text citation. In addition, he/she goes further and describes the pertinence of the week’s reading towards enhancing his/her understanding of the issues of LBGTQ community. There is also the use of poor language i.e. â€Å"we realize† and lack of adequate referencing. However, the entire presentation is quite appropriate as it depicts that the writer made an attempt to answer all the research questions, except for the vague discussion of question 2 and

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