Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Essay

A framework refers to a basic conceptional structure of something, a set of facts or ideas that provides the necessary support for something (Steinberg 2009). On the other hand, a learning framework is a programmed academic work that is needed for the Co-operation education completion (Fisher 2008). The framework helps in planning on how objectives and goals of a given individual or organization are achieved. This is done through the use of Co-operative Education Placement organization (CPO) and provides a person’s academic program with a solid foundation. This framework feeds the educators with an expertise foundation concerning learning. It serves as a richly effective system for organizing, addressing and describing learning strengths and weaknesses. Learning framework consists of 8 constructs namely: attention, complex thinking, language, memory, social cognition, neural motor functions, temporal-sequential ordering and spatial Roderick. Learning Goal 1: Being self directed and reflexive learners                Self-directed learning in CPO is not a new concept. Its contributions and related information has been written down. Unfortunately, its notion has a variety of applications and interpretations in the arena of corporate training. Its typical narrow interpretations involve providing learners with some sort of choice in their learning. For example learners are allowed to select one or more courses from structured job training. Reflective learning on the other hand helps in developing self awareness, analytical skills and critical thinking which is important to both students and staff. It helps in informing about what didn’t work or worked, what may be done differently, or how people may develop their practice or behavior. Learning goal 2: Being knowledgeable in the major field of study                Knowledge consists of many varying facets encompassing skills from learning to understand how to create or build how to manage finances, and resonating with nature. My role in acquiring knowledge through CPO is to ensure that education provided consists of all the required skills of running an organization. Key tasks involved                Keep an open mind. Learning always challenges our assumptions and the pre-wired reaction is to ignore the conflicting ideas. Don’t dismiss something automatically as it fails to neatly fit in your current world’s vision. Deciding the type of knowledge you want to acquire. This incorporates two types of knowledge that is specialized knowledge where you want to focus specifically on breadth rather than depth. The other one is specific knowledge where you have to focus on the depth of the skills or information you want to acquire. Get out of the comfort zone. Involves learning things that might based on your keenest interest through engaging in your community activities. Check on boards for local announcement or from your community website. This enhances the access of a number of learning opportunities: classes, dances, community theatre or economic aid. Don’t be afraid to fail. It is the most significant advice in learning on how to be knowledgeable. Owning and learning to your mistake will help in gaining knowledge in your major areas that will help in remembering the correct information better. My personal attributes and role will help my CPO in acquiring the required values and skills necessary in learning. Learning goal 3: Being problem solvers and enquirers (internal environment)                Internal environment involves the factors that influence/affect business operations from within (Coley 2010). The interrelationships within the organization involve how different departments interrelate with one another such as sales, production, marketing, billing and research. The structure of the organization defines how these departments interrelate and interacts with one another, and the chain of commands running through different levels. These interrelationships within the organization are managed by my CPO through provision of the required knowledge and skills. This knowledge is acquired through training that facilitates better relationships within the organization. The organizational chart                From the key tasks in LG2, they all interrelate with one another with a cohesive relationship. In order for the organizational tasks to be completed, a good relationship is needed from the organizational culture to resource management. For effective management of internal relationships, my CPO facilitates through providing managerial skills required in different departments of the organization, the employer should facilitate regular training, favorable working environment, effective means of communication and strong internal controls. LG 3.2- critical enquirers and problem solvers, impacts of external environment on the CPO and industry                External environment involves external factors such as customers and competitors who affect the operations of the business from outside (Xue 2008). My CPO involves a method of combining education based on classroom with practical work experience. Within this sector of the industry, a number of key factors are considered for effective management and better interrelationships. Some of these factors include; the size of the industry, consumer demand of its products and the rate of growth. The current business world has been facing a lot of challenges in its effort of meeting the needs of the customers. A major issue is on the lack of clarity in the scope of the functions of the business. This issue may have a positive impact to my CPO and its industry sector as many business people would be seeking for the relevant knowledge. External stakeholders such as customers, competitors, and the government may contribute to a better relationship if well catered for by the industry. LG 3.3 business management                The topic investigates on the role of management on staffing. This is a very essential area that needs to be carried out with all due knowledge as it determines the progress of the business. Learning goal 4: ethical and social responsibility facing society and business                Ethical means to do with what is wrong and right, based on morality (Cafoliete 2010). Social responsibility is refers to an ethical theory that an individual or organization has an obligation to act for societal benefits (Amaeshi 2013). An ethical decision facilitates better services and creates a good image of an organization. My CPO and industry may consider offering training on how to ethical business characteristics and ensures customer needs are fully met (Bates 2013). Lack of enough skills may lead to a challenge in my CPO on making business decision that is ethical. LG 5: work collaboratively                Communication is a key factor in every business organization. Communication enhances better relationships with others in the industry thus facilitating work collaborations. My strength in this aspect is that my CPO consists of the largest communication department which links with other external organizations. The major weakness is on the poor communication skills currently displayed by many of the departmental attendants. My goal is to ensure that communication has been enhanced and effective channels installed. The strategies to be put in place include; in-service training and workshops should be held regularly, installation of communication devices in all departments and skilled managers employed. In order to assess whether the goals have been achieved, it should be measured in terms of profit margin and the number of customers. Aspect 2: working effectively in teams                Team work is a key tool in enhancing effective operations and increased productivity. It brings unity thus enhancing collaboration with others. The strengths in this aspect are that majority of the group members are of the same age thus works well as a group. The weakness is on the team leadership as my CPO industry has a few experienced managers. My goal is to develop the strongest working team in the industry. The strategies set include ensuring that more skilled managers are employed, workshops held to regular basis to train members on how to have strong working teams. Though it is hard to assess the strength of a team, my industry will check on the interrelationship between the internal and external environments to assess whether the goal has been met. References Amaeshi, K., & Nnodim, P. (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Augustine, C. H. (2009). Improving school leadership the promise of cohesive leadership systems. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. Bates, C. G. (2013). Global social issues an encyclopedia. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. Bender, T. (2012). Discussion-based online teaching to enhance student learning: theory, practice, and assessment (2nd ed.). Sterling, Va.: Stylys. Clayton, P. E. (2009). Essential law for your business: a practical guide to all legal and financial requirements (13th ed.). London: Kogan Page. Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching a framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. LaFollette, H. (2010). The Blackwell guide to ethical theory. Oxford, OX, UK: Blackell Publishers. Menon, R., & Kumar, R. (2010). The long view from Delhi: to define the Indian grand strategy for foreign policy. New Delhi: Academic Foundation in association with Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations. Schuh, C. (2012). The CPO transforming procurement in the real world. Berkeley, CA: Apress ;. Snoeyenbos, M., Almeder, R. F., & Humber, J. M. (2011). Business ethics (3rd ed.). Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Steinberg, D. (2009). EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley. Source document

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