Thursday, November 21, 2019

How People Are Changed by Suburbia Occupation Essay

How People Are Changed by Suburbia Occupation - Essay Example The essay "How People Are Changed by Suburbia Occupation" discusses the following issues: what makes suburban life pattern more acceptable, what are the positive and negative aspects of the suburban occupation, how do the people of a suburban culture feel the difference and if they are completely satisfied with their new pattern of life. William Whyte and Herbert Gans present both sociological and psychological aspects of the topic under discussion, whereas Lewis Mumford describes the social aspects of the subject matter and Betty Frieden deals with the psychological impacts of suburbia occupation of the individuals especially the women.The endurance of pressures exerted by society against an individual is termed ‘social ethics’ by William Whyte. Such pressures are treated as morally legitimate. He ascribes this ethics as the factor of mounting pressures on individuals in a society that leads to the formation of suburbia. Park Forest inviting newcomers to its fold happil y advertises itself as a friendly small town instead of the lonely big city. Babysitting bank delineated in his work depicts the convenience felt by housewives of the suburb. Suburbs are created to get away from a machine like busy cities. Suburbs are providing ample leisure. Entertainment and play find large scope in suburbs to change the lifestyle of the people. Herbert Gans views the social life of individuals in Levittown is relatively better than other suburbs, where he supposes proximity does not nurture an intimate friendship.

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