Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thank My Heavenly Father For His Guidance And Protection

Acknowledgements Firstly, I would like to thank my Heavenly Father for his guidance and protection. I am especially for the strength and confidence that He has given me to pursue my Master’s degree. I would also like to thank all of my professors at Concordia Irvine for their patience and superb motivation in gearing me in the right path and always making time for my questions. I would like to thank the following professors - Reardon, Davis, Brown, Burch, Ramirez, Glover, Hannah, Mailhiot, and lastly Professor Cowen who served as my portfolio advisor and instructor for my last course MCAA 595. Thank you for your dedication and commitment in sharing your pearl of wisdom in the field of Coaching and Administration. I would like to†¦show more content†¦In developing a successful volleyball program, it is like nurturing a new born baby. It takes time and effort and with lots of patience. Most successful programs do not happen overnight, they develop over time and with the right to ols, they tend to be successful in the end. It is important that every member involved in the program must feel important and valued. No one wants to be treated unfairly or with cruelty. Coaches are the head of their program and they must make every effort in seeing that their program is successful. Every program is different and have their own ways of success. In my program, I have learned from coaches that have been in successful volleyball programs in the college, high school and club level. I have spent a lot of time looking at what everybody else is doing that makes their programs successful and have used their strategies in building my program. By using many of the ideas of the best coaches and creating my own package, it has helped me excel in my program. I did not excel in everything that I tried or learned because I needed to find what type of personality I was dealing with and what type of athlete’s I was working with at the time. I learned that in order t o be successful, I needed to find my own type of coaching style and philosophy that would work for my athletes. A coach facilitates in finding the qualities of personal responsibility, discipline and teamwork to my team. AsShow MoreRelatedMy Reflection On My Spiritual Experience2096 Words   |  9 PagesMy Spiritual Experience After my sixteen week in the class of foundations biblical spirituality during the fall semester, I feel that my relationship with God is going to the next level. Today, I can say like apostle Paul: â€Å"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.† (Galatians 2:20). 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