Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Unsupportive Lady Macbeth - 1060 Words

The Unsupportive Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is a very egocentric woman. She fails to have any concern over Macbeth’s interests, and she does not consider his decisions. This lack of care for her husband is shown many times throughout the play, and it is more predominantly shown in the first two acts. Lady Macbeth believes that Macbeth has the same viewpoints as her. Because of this, instead of asking if he wants to do something, she tells him what they are going to do. If Macbeth tries to protest against her thoughts or actions, she convinces him to believe in her and do as she says using a variety of tactics. Lady Macbeth does not have Macbeth’s best interest at heart because she manipulated him, she took matters into her own hand,†¦show more content†¦31-35). Macbeth revealed his thoughts and feelings about murdering Duncan to Lady Macbeth. He wanted to back out of the plan because he was already loved by the king and by others, so he does not want to spoil the feeling of being appreciated by so many. Even after this thorough explanation of why he did not want to proceed with the killing of Duncan, Lady Macbeth still made him do it, as she had her mind set on the king’s assassination. After the murder, Macbeth was traumatized by what he did, and he forgot to plant the daggers on the guards. Lady Macbeth told him to go back, but he did not as he is afraid to look back on what he has done. Lady Macbeth then grabs the daggers to plant it on the guards herself but mocks him before she leaves saying â€Å"’tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil† (II.ii. 57-58), which means she thinks he is a child. The constant mockery of Macbeth shows how Lady Macbeth does not care about Macbeth’s feelings. Lady Macbeth is a manipulative wife that does not consider anyone’s feelings and that likes to do things herself with no help from others. If Lady Macbeth had not deluded him into doing things he did not want to do, Macbeth would have been completely different. She convinced him to assassinate Duncan, which stained his mind and made him become a tyrant. This also led up to all the other murders hat Macbeth was responsible for. Lady Macbeth also very independent; sheShow MoreRelatedCulture is a Power Tool Used in Literature1261 Words   |  5 Pagesnovels to send a powerful message. In the play Macbeth, playwright, Shakespeare, introduces the plot base of a tragic hero. The author, Chinua Achebe, models his main character of Okonkwo in the novel, Things fall apart, off of Shakespeares famous character Macbeth for the purpose of highlighting culture. The idea of a tragic hero is clearly defined in Shakespeares play Macbeth and in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Both the characters, Okonkwo and Macbeth, have the same tragic flaw, which is a fearRead MoreWoven Messages Of Shakespeare s Macbeth1460 Words   |  6 PagesWoven Messages in Shakespeare s Macbeth Megan Ball 16 June 2015 Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn ad cauldron bubble. (Macbeth, 4.1.10)King James I s obsession with witches and the supernatural sparked Shakespeare’s creation of his most famous tragedy Macbeth. Macbeth illustrates the story of the General, who ruthlessly murders the King in order to gain power which he did not deserve. Along with being an entertaining piece of literature, it also serves as a successful piece of politicalRead MoreDrama and Character Tension in Act III, Scene IV of Macbeth2523 Words   |  11 PagesIn Act 3, Scene 4 of Macbeth we are able to identify the disintegration of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s characters in the overwrought scene. Throughout this scene Shakespeare uses a range of techniques to present their conflicting characters, creating dramatic tension. From the darkness of Banquo’s murder in the previous scene, there is a sudden tonal shift, as the scene abruptly changes to the bustle of the banqueting hall. The â€Å"Ba nquet Scene† is one of the most engaging scenes as it may be consideredRead MoreMacbeth Character Analysis1902 Words   |  8 PagesIn his play Macbeth, English playwright William Shakespeare illustrates the adverse effects ambition wields on the human soul. Furthermore, he explores supernatural influences and illustrates how Macduff, a vengeful character, rose against tyranny and brought about the downfall of Macbeth. Written in 1606, under the reign of King James I, Macbeth is Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy. It begins with a summary of the famous warrior Macbeth’s valiant actions in the battle against both the Macdonwald clan

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